Sunday, February 3, 2008


Superbowl Sunday! The biggest day of the year for football fans. Everyone gets together to watch the game on the biggest TV around, rooting for their team of choice. (Go Giants!) What's usually found in the living room during the game? Soda, Beer, Chips, Pretzels, Pizza.. a diabetic's worst nightmare! Hey, it IS the superbowl! We diabetics want to indulge in all the junk food as well! As I watched my brother and father come home with bags upon bags of SUPERBOWL FOOD yesterday, I felt myself getting sick already. It's one of those things where the smart part of my brain says, "Don't eat any of that. Your blood sugar is going to sky-rocket, and you will regret it." Then, the idiot part of my brain says, "Hey, it's the superbowl. You have an insulin-pump, just bolus to cover the food and you'll be fine. It's once a year, get over it." Right now, I'd like to say I'm going to listen to the smart part of my brain. But knowing myself, I could predict that I'm not going to feel so great tonight. My "about me" says it all, I am the perfect representative of "what not to do if you are a diabetic." So here is what you shouldn't do: Don't eat chips and all kinds of other junk & later forget to cover everything you ate. Insulin is important; SUPERBOLUS during the SUPERBOWL!

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