Sunday, April 6, 2008

Cool Survey

@How long have you been a Pump Wearer?
- Almost 4 years

@Which Pump do you wear?
- MiniMed

@What was your a1C before you ever got a pump?
- I don't remember, but better than it is now.

@What other pumps did you ..try? or..consider? ..before deciding on your pump?
- This is the only pump i've been on.

@How many times do you reuse ..your reservoirs? and/or ..tubing? save money...?
- I dont reuse anything to save money; sometimes if i'm lazy i will change the insulin but not the set.. but that's rare.

@What is the max number of days you have worn your infusion set canula?
- max. is a week

@Have you ever had a pump site infection?
- yes

@How often do you bolus the dosage recommended to you by your pump, without verifying it's calculations including IOB?
- often. haha; i dont usually do the math on the pump i just dial up the amount i think i need.

@Have you ever considered a thought about using your pump to OD on insulin?
- Absolutely not; but i have gotten extremely low blood sugars from dialing up too much insulin or taking insulin and forgetting to eat..

@How many times have you dropped your pump in the toilet?
- Never happened, thank goodness haha

@Have you ever disconnected your pump.. (not for hanky panky or showering) but..just because you wanted to feel "FREE"?
- EVERYDAY.. it gets soooooo annoying!

@What's the longest time you've ever been disconnected from your pump?
- All day in the summertime; can't wear an insulin pump in the water

@What's the greatest hardship you've ever experienced BECAUSE of your pump?
- it looks disgusting with certain outfits- BAD FASHION STATEMENT! But I can't say I've experienced too many "hardships" due to having an insulin pump.

@What was your very first thought about your pump the very first time you got hooked up to it?
- I thought, 'wow this really doesn't hurt, I don't feel any pain.. and I CAN EAT ANYTHING !!!!!!' haha

@What color is your pump? ..and infusion set?/ what design do you have on it?
- Its simple; dark grey and clear infusion set

@Do you ever let anyone else play with your pump buttons? Who?
- Nope; leave my pump alone! lol

@Have you ever let a friend put in a canula on their body just so they could try it out?
- Absolutely not

@What's the worst thing you've ever done to your pump?
- Throw it against a wall.

@How many times have you ever had to send a pump back to the company?
- Couple times.

@What is the funniest comment someone has ever said about your pump?
- "Don't forget to bring your insulin beeper"

@Who that is close to you that doesn't know you're a pump wearing diabetic?
- I'm not sure; I don't hide it but I don't flaunt it much either. I guess whoever knows, knows.

@What was your significant other's reaction when telling them about the pump?
- He was cool about it; seemed really interested and concerned too.

@If you had to go off your pump for a long time and go back to shots, would you remember right away how to do your bolus calculations and how much long acting to take?
- I wouldn't remember any of that, I'd have to start all over.. but sometimes I wish i did go back to taking shots because the pump isn't all that great.

@What foods that you enjoy greatly, do you feel comfortable eating because of your pump, that you wouldn't be able to eat so easily on MDI?
- Well, on my pump I could eat anything I wanted; otherwise i'd have to eat on a schedule, with yucky tasteless foods, and really wouldn't be able to eat at restaurants.

@What's your #1 Favorite thing about having your pump?
- I could eat whatever I want and I don't have to use needles everyday.

@If you were devastatingly broke and needed money, would you sell your pump?...For How much?
- That's an extreme question. I doubt it would be worth selling it because the needles, pens, etc. would end up costing a lot so it would probably be worth keeping the pump in that case.

@What's your #1 Least liked thing about having your pump?
- wearing it all the time.

@How many people have you helped educate about diabetes because they asked you a question about your pump?
- Quite a number of people actually.

@How many other people that you know personally, wear pumps?
- Two

@Do you have a pet name for your pump? What is it?
- Nope

@Do you ever 'talk' to your pump, like you would talk to a person?...out loud?
- Only if I forgot to take my crazy pills??! lol.. No I do not talk to my insulin pump

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