Sunday, April 6, 2008

I'm so high... haha

Believe it or not, there are certain perks to being a diabetic. One of the funniest things about being diabetic is being able to say "i'm high" to a nurse, teacher, professor, friend, family member.. basically to anybody. What is even funnier than being able to say it and not get tested for drugs, is watching other people's reactions after you've said "I'm high" to a person of authority. I remember walking into the nurse's office in high school and being asked "what's wrong?" and responding, "I'm so high; I can feel it." The students sitting in the nurse's office would widen their eyes, gasp, giggle, and most likely wonder why in the world I would come into the nurse's office and say something like that. Little did they know that I was actually referring to my blood sugar being high, and I could feel it because there are certain symptoms that let you know your blood sugar was not normal.

I'd always be allowed to have snacks, orange juice, and water in a classroom if I chose to bring it with me in case my blood sugar would drop. I remember after one of those nice visits to the nurse's office some kid approached me in my math class and said, "Now I know why you have that stuff with you sometimes... Munchies right?" Haha.. classic.

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